Note: We will not like to share pagerank and alexa rank here due partly to the fact about daily dangling effects. Do know that there are other #blog site with attractive [page rank] pr which will contribute diligently if you will share it with us just to open our specs more because we are open to erudition. There is love in sharing, #LOVE_ROCKS <3 while, war sucks.
Your Relationship with other
bloggers with similar ideas is a good way to get more knowledge about blogging
and also compel traffic to your own blog, it doesn’t really require high
knowledge and qualification in internet or you must be a developer to join
these blog communities, own a blog? Or visit sign up for
your Gmail and get the terms and conditions then you can decide whether to host
your blog with Wordpress or Blogspot,
when your ready and need to boost your traffic, remember traffic is the top
most priority all bloggers are running a blog, you cant be bringing up the rear
on possible knowledge you can gather from other like-minds.
Here are the discussed communities for bloggers where you can hook
up and make friends with additional bloggers who can help you, you also learn a
great deal of knowledge from these communities, instead of just following one
blogger, you can follow as many as you want and get diverse knowledge. The best
thing about joining blogging community is that you also get massive traffic to
your own blog, some of these communities allow you to have one dofollow
What is Blogging Community?
Putting it straight, blogging
community is just a website/blog where bloggers come to share their knowledge
and connect with other bloggers. It’s a platform for bloggers, on the same wave
length bloggers come here to read, learn, get traffic to their blog and build
relationship with other bloggers/ website owners.
There are many benefits you can get by joining blogging community,
you will not only get massive traffic to your blog, but you also improve your
domain authority, make friends with other bloggers and learn from them, get quality
backlinks, and you also build up a good number of followings and readership of
your own blog. Joining blog community is definitely important to anyone who
wants to succeed in blogging.
Medium is a fast-growing and top bloggers community. It was
created by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams and Biz Stone. Medium is a top
platform for any blogger to share his content and learn from other bloggers. To
open an account with Medium is very easy; all you need to do is open your
account with your www. or account(s) and then go
to your email to verify it. You can begin sharing your blog contents and learn
from others while you make friend and drive traffic to your blog.
Visit at
2. Inbound
Inbound is community of active
marketers, It affords you perfect opportunity to market your blog and make it
known to other bloggers cum marketers. Signing up for inbound is as easy as 2
minutes, you just sign up but before you can comment you will need to connect
your account with Twitter, It also gives you the opportunity to connect with
Hubspot. Inbound have many active users. Make sure to introduce yourself and
begin commenting and writing post once you join. Avoid spamming though, it will
lead to your banning.
Visit at
3. BizSugar
BizSugar is another popular bloggers community you can join and
expect to have good number of traffic to your blog, the sign up process here is
very easy and it is free, all you have to do is sign up, go to your email
and confirm/activate your account and you are up and running. Now when you sign
up, write a quality post and submit to BizSugar, once that first post gets
approved (manually) you can now submit your other articles. Do not forget to
connect with other bloggers here.
Visit at
4. Social Media Today
This site is more than just a bloggers community, you can also
call it a site for guest blogging, a site for social bookmarking and a site for
marketing. You get to add your site url in your profile page and enjoy PR6
dofollow backlink, to start adding your blog content, your blog first need to
get approved, To approved your blog you have to email then three of your links
which proves you are a good writer, Social Media Today have a strict guidelines
when it comes to accepting your post. Don't feel bad if your post is not
approved, 80% of people don't get approved anyway.
Visit at
5. Google+ Communities
Are you on Google+ or are you just sharing your post on Google+
and neglecting other aspect of the site. Now is the time to join relevant
communities on Google+ to read, learn and make friends with other community
members, you also share your post in some of these communities which will lead
to traffic to your blog. Community members can directly share your post on
Google+ community for public viewing. There are many things to gain by joining
relevant communities.
To join any community of your choice,
click on home > communities > and search for community of
interest to you. You can search for bloggers community or even search for the
particular niche you are blogging like "tech blog community". You can
even create your own community.
Visit at
6. BloKube
This is another blogging community with lot of members, Blokube
has simple neat design and it is one of the oldest blogging communities, it was
created by owner of WPKube Devesh Sharma. The sign up process for BloKube is
easy just like BizSugar. Blokube allows you to directly view the post of users.
Build more relationship and readership of your own blog with Blokube.
Visit at
7 Triberr
Triberr is a community of talented bloggers and influencers that
have come together to read great post and share their articles. Tribber is
really great bloggers community created by Dino Dogan am kina like this
blogging community, it takes less than a minute to sign up, connect it with
your social media account and you are good to go, find bloggers of like-mind in
the stream and tribes, ask questions in bonfire and you can hire other bloggers
in their campaign option. Triberr is free to join. Make sure you join relevant
niche tribes.
Visit at
Kingged is a fairly new blogging community reaching it 3 years
this year. Kingged is also my favourite bloggers community. There are lots of
bloggers friend to make here with over 9,000+ active users and quality
contributors. Maybe one of the best thing about Kingged is their daily giveaway
money for viewing posts and commenting on posts. Kingged is growing fast and
you can connect with lots of bloggers friend here, make money and get traffic
to your blog. It is very easy to open an account with Kingged.
Visit at
Are you sharing your post in bloggers community. If you are a new blogger,
blogging community is your best chance to establish yourself, to become an
authority. The list above will be a good start for you, all the community here
have high pagerank and you get to connect with other bloggers. If you neglect
to join communities of bloggers, please try and join one today, almost all of
them are free. Establish your brand and claim your authority.
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