

            The Most unchangeable socio-economic imbalance confronting #Nigeria since 1960 independence is the progressive widening of the gab between the Rich & the Poor a threatening circumstance which has persisted over the years is fallout of incubuses age of corruption which has sadly become a social numb & culture that is practiced by citizens, particularly those having access to public fund trusted to them also to ensure citizens welfare & security.

The welfare

                    & security

                                       of citizens

                                                                  is enshrined

 in the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended as fundamental objectives & directives principles of it policy. It is unfortunate that this fundamental constitutional provision has been trampled, dumped & ignored by those charged with the constitutional duties to uphold the constitution & enforce it provision.

In review, it neither the military nor the civilian administration; either by omission or commission have shown no tangible interest in terms of policy formulation & legislation to mitigate & narrow the gab between the Rich & the poor in the society. This socio-economic disparity is worst for the unemployed in rural community where rural dwellers are merely ageing out of living due to the collapse of socio-economic infrastructure, it’s complicated & compounded by the fact that the Élite particularly the political class who are suppose to champion the course of uplifting the Poor masses from the shackles of poverty are rather the instrument in the vanguard of inflicting more pain & anguish, politician are constantly directing tax payers money meant for the development in urban & rural infrastructure, this unfortunate development is particularly worrisome because it has been present over the years & no one seems to care about the plague of these compatriots as manifested by decades of social & economic hardship identified under the decayed rural infrastructure.

          Thus, it should be noted that the task present is enormous & downturn. This is buttress by the fact that never before in the history of Nigeria had Nigerians have great expectations than now because of the era of change which is sweeping across the country. Politicians with tangible developmental ideas should rise up & sponsor strategic bills & support same to be enacted into law that would address socio-economic challenges confronting the rural Poor masses or contribute 75% of their surplus to the masses that trusted & voted for them. In the present situation, Nigeria found itself in respect of socio-economic inconsistencies amongst various segment of the society, it undesirable that policies of legislation that would be such that will protect the week from exploitation by the powerful Élite.

To achieve this therefore, transparency, accountability & selfless service should be the guardian principle driving policy formulation & legislative actions, leaders should rather focus on curing the disease than diagnosing the symptoms.              

 Legislature should ensure that the bills is sponsored & their subsequent enactment into law are such that will provide for the establishment of micro & small scale industries in rural communities to reduce unemployment, the urban cities which is also facing the problem of growth as a result of migration must therefore be balanced, public & private schools should include in their curriculum vocational training for those students with skills to be employers of labour after leaving school as ways of bridging the gab between the Rich & the Poor in the society.

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